Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chicken Bus

One of the first images that I have of taking a bus in Mexico is of a bus that is broken down, hot, steamy, crowded, passengers carrying chickens in cages (and maybe some not in cages), and the bus driving on the road adjacent to a cliff that drops off into a gorge about 1000 feet. I think I have this image because of HOLLYWOOD and the numerous movies—I mean misrepresentations--of Mexico. It’s no secret that many parts of Mexico is rural.

The bus ride from Guadalajara to San Luis Potosi was nothing like I had imagined. I rode on Primera Plus and it was quite similar to the airline: air conditioned, assigned seating, movies (in Spanish, of course), music stations, and a CLEAN & sanitized bathroom! To my surprise, the bathroom was cleaner than the airlines!

The small towns along the way were quite amazing: simple and practical. Of course there’s a church in every town center. I couldn’t believe the amount of cactus that I saw on the countryside. There’s only one other place where I’ve seen as much and that’s Arizona.

I suppose if everyone listened to HOLLYWOOD, I’d have gold teeth, be a baby daddy, and listen to hip hop (oh--I do that sometimes) ;-)

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